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Since 1976, the WoodsEdge vision has consistently been one of creating beauty and value. In order to create the most sumptuous fabrics, whether knit or woven, one needed beautiful yarns. For years, we envisioned the feel, color, and design of yarns, which quite simply were nowhere to be found - not yet available in any circles (until now).
To make the vision a reality two things were important: first, the highest quality raw materials were needed and second, an understanding of how raw materials would meld into the creative artistry of the designers’ needs. The former has taken virtually thousands of births to manifest the genetics behind each breeding decision to refine that skill into today’s success. The latter required a technical knowledge of processing throughout every step from hoof to yarn. Along the way, we tried every fiber one can breed, create, or blend in the pursuit of fiber transformed to fashion.
What we didn’t plan were the side paths this vision would take us down: sustainable niche agriculture, the preservation of family farms and the unique opportunities, challenges, and needs of a family owned and operated business. Today, these parallel journeys have become an equal focus, but the love of breeding beautiful fibers for end-use textiles of exceptional quality has never lessened after 42 years.